Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is the formal teaching and care of young children by people other than their family or in settings outside of the home. 'Early childhood' is usually defined as before the age of normal schooling - five years in most nations, though the U.S. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) instead defines 'early childhood' as before the age of eight.

pic : eceamaisd.sharpschool.com
A child's needs during early childhood are different from those of older schoolchildren, because early childhood sees the greatest growth and development, when the brain develops most rapidly, almost at its fullest. It is a period when walking, talking, self-esteem, vision of the world and moral foundations are established.The early years of life are critical to the development of intelligence, personality and social behaviour. Research on brain development attests to the importance of key mental, physical and social capabilities. If these fundamental capabilities are not well established from the start, and especially if neurological damage occurs, a child's learning potential could be adversely be affected.As such, education in early childhood must have its own specific practices and issues.

For programming purposes, it has been decided to extend the concept of early childhood to about 8 years of age. This age range provides the opportunity to reinforce the view of the development as a continuum. It will facilitate the interaction between the pre and initial school years. The concept of basic education calls for the inclusion of early childhood and the key "survival" grades, that is, the first two or three grades of primary education.

Early childhood education often focuses on children learning through play, based on the research and beliefs of Jean Piaget. This belief is centered on the "power of play". It is thought that children learn more efficiently and more knowledge when given the opportunity for play based activities such as: dramatic play, art and social games. This theory plays off of children's natural curiosity and tendencies to "make believe", mixing in educational lessons.

According to UNESCO ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) Unit, Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to 8 years old. A time of remarkable brain development, these years lay the foundation for subsequent learning.

The terms preschool education and kindergarten emphasize education around the ages of 3–6 years. The terms "early childhood learning," "early care," and "early education" are comparable with early childhood education. The terms day care and child care do not embrace the educational aspects. Many childcare centers are now using more educational approaches. They are creating curricula and incorporating it into their daily routines to foster greater educational learning. The distinction between childcare centers being for care and kindergartens being for education, for example, has all but disappeared in countries that require staff in different early childhood facilities to have a teaching qualification. The ChildForum early childhood education national organisation highlights that while this can uplift the overall quality of children's learning a primary purpose of all early childhood programmes is nevertheless to provide a high standard of care and nurturance due to the young age and emotional and physical needs of children. However, it is necessary to distinguish between nurturance and locomotive learning. One implies the development of vestigial implements of characterized babies, the other refers to hand-eye co-ordination.

Researchers in the field and early childhood educators both view the parents as an integral part of the early childhood education process. Often educators refer to parents as the child's first and best teacher. Early childhood education takes many forms depending on the beliefs of the educator or parent.

Much of the first two years of life are spent in the creation of a child's first "sense of self" or the building of a first identity. This is a crucial part of children's makeup—how they first see themselves, how they think they should function, how they expect others to function in relation to them. For this reason, early care must ensure that in addition to employing carefully selected and trained caretakers, program policy must emphasize links with family, home culture, and home language, meaning caregivers must uniquely care for each child using Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Individually Appropriate Practice and Culturally Appropriate Practice. Care should support families rather than be a substitute for them (see a review of research on the role of parents and families in early education)

If a young child doesn't receive sufficient nurturing, nutrition, parental/caregiver interaction, and stimulus during this crucial period, the child may be left with a developmental deficit that hampers his or her success in preschool, kindergarten, and beyond.
pic : fcafe.in

Worst-case scenarios such as those found in Russian and Romanian orphanages demonstrate how the lack of proper social interaction and development of attachment affect the developing child. Children must receive attention and affection to develop in a healthy manner. While in developed nations today such scenarios are fortunately rare there is a danger of a false belief that more hours of formal education for the very young child = greater benefits for the young child than a balance between formal education and time spent with family. A systematic review of the international evidence suggests that the benefits of early childhood education come from the experience itself of participation and that more than 2.5 hours a day does not greatly add to child development outcomes especially if this means the young child is missing out on other experiences and family contact.

Developmental Domains
There are five different developmental domains of children which all relate to each other. They are easily referred to as the SPICE of life:
  • Social - Refers mostly to the ability to form attachments, play with others, co-operation and sharing, and being able to create lasting relationships with others.
  • Physical - Development of Fine (small) and Gross (large) Motor Skills.
  • Intellectual - The process of making sense of the world around them.
  • Creative - The development of special abilities creates noteworthy talents. Music, art, writing, reading, and singing are some ways for creative development to take place.
  • Emotional - Development of self-awareness, self-confidence, and coping with feelings as well as understanding them.
Psychosocial Developments
  • Cognitive Development - According to Jean Piaget, there are four major stages of cognitive development :
    • Sensorimotor Stage. This stage occurs between the ages of birth and two years of age.Sensorimotor (infancy): During this stage, which includes six distinct substages, intelligence is demonstrated through motor activity with limited use of symbols, including language; the infant’s knowledge of the world is primarily based on physical interactions and experiences.
    • Preoperational Stage. The second stage occurs between the ages of 2 – 7 years. During this stage, intelligence is increasingly demonstrated through the use of symbols; memory and imagination are developed as language use matures; thinking is nonlogical, nonreversible, and egocentric.
    • Concrete Operations Stage. Occurring between ages 7 and about 12 years. During this stage characterized by conservation of number, length, liquid,mass, weight, area, volume intelligence is increasingly demonstrated through logical and systematic manipulation of symbols relating to concrete objects; thinking is operational, reversible, and less egocentric.
    • Formal Operations Stage. The final stage of cognitive development (from age 12 and beyond). During this final stage, intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts; thinking is abstract, hypothetical, and early on, quite egocentric; it is commonly held that the majority of people never complete this stage.
  • Emotional Development - Concerning children's increasing awareness and control of their feelings and how they react to these feelings in a given situation.
  • Social Development - Concerning the children's identity, their relationships with others, and understanding their place within a social environment
There are many other reformers of education that have contributed to what early childhood education means today. Although Piaget had a great impact on early childhood education, people like John Locke, Horace Mann and Jane Addams contributed a lifetime of work to reform education and learning in this country. The information presented is a starting point for educators to better understand the development of children.

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Your Little Kids Like Play in Dirty..? Who's Afraid..?

Child's world is the world of play and some dirty things normally attract the attention of children. Playing dirty not just fun for kids, but also has many benefits. 
EduKids gives Moms & Dads summarize from various sources what is benefits of dirty joy for your SmarKids..

Boost immunity
No need to panic and worry about the health of the child. It is often synonymous with gross disease, but that does not mean it's dangerous to play dirty. It is precisely by playing dirty will enhance a child's immune.

According to research by experts, children need to be dirty because it occasionally if it is too clean, the skin's ability to heal ourselves precisely the child is disturbed or damaged.

Graham Rook, a professor of immunology at University College London have published the results of research on the relationship between exposure to microbes and the body in the development of allergies in which Mycobacterium vaccae is a type of bacteria found in soil which is used as the basis for the treatment of allergic conditions like asthma.

Rook believe precisely because of 'too clean and hygienic' cause diseases such as asthma, eczema, hay fever, and even disease 'autoimmune' diseases such as diabetes type T1 and intestinal inflammation.
Body's response to a disease that causes inflammation regulated by the immune system. This requires exposure to a variety of bacteria and microbes are not harmful in the early growth period of children in order to respond effectively to the actual disease in the future. (Http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/66838.php)

To learn a texture and train motorik
Something dirty usually textured from smooth to rough. With a dirty play, children will learn that textures.
Children usually love to play with the materials 'messy' like mud, sand, clay, paints, crayons and play dough.

According to Patricia Hughes, the Benefits of Messy Play, says that when children play using messy materials, then the various abilities of children will be stimulated. Child's Fine motorik skills will be stimulated when the hand is feeling the texture of smooth or rough, or when the fingers grasping, squeezing, pinching, or grasping instrument playing. In addition, the child's hands and eye coordination getting trained. This activity could strengthening the muscles of the hand and fingers of children.

Foster child's creativity through imagination.
Playing dirty is usually filled with color, texture and shape. It is exciting for children, they will imagine and the imagination of children more creative.

Children Learning to Love the Environment
Playing dirty is identical with something other than a "messy" is usually synonymous with playing outside the house (in nature) or with animals. By playing in nature and with animals, children will learn to love the environment.

So..Moms,well...there are many benefits when children play a dirty things. Below is tips what should you do to make safe and useful when the children palying a dirty things.

Supervise and accompany the child at the time of playing dirty (especially for toddlers ages) so that children avoid things that are not desirable (eg: inserting toy in her mouth). It would be better if the mother could play together. By playing together, but can also supervise the foster child emotional attachment with the mother of the child.

Try to point to meaningful game, example gardening, washing a car and etc. Beside children will happy, yu have another benfit from it and children learn about how to hlep their parents.

Provide a special clothes when the children playing a dirty things. It will be heplp you to make a nice clothes children stay clean & nice.

And the last, assist your children to wash their hands after playing a dirty  things. Before you could ask your children to make tidy up their toys, please do with cheerful. Such us do with singing the song, make competition with children, and etc. Many things can be learned such us a snese of responsibility, clasification object, make a childern more independent and etc.

Oke Moms...Ready to play a dirty tings with your beloved children. Sure, you and your children will enjoy it :)
ReadmoreYour Little Kids Like Play in Dirty..? Who's Afraid..?

How To Train Children Learn Fasting

Marhaban ya Ramadhan ...
Moms... Ramadhan has arrived and for Muslims, this is the most anticipated month for a full month of mercy & blessing for all our deeds will be multiplied :)

What about the little Kids, do need to take fasting?
Fasting is required for people who have maturity according to God's word in Surat al Baqorah: 183 -184 "Oo..people who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required above those before you, in order you to cautious, (ie) within a few days certain. "

But there is no harm if we introduce our Kids early on how fasting. There is no fixed rule when the child is taught fasting, make sure to remember your child is able to communicate two-way so it is easy to teach "why we are fasting" and "the purpose of fasting" itself.

This is some common tips that parents do to train their children to learn fasting :
  • Make sure the condition of your child is mature and ready to do both psychologically and biologically. On starting to teach fasting, in addition to the condition of psychic / mental health of mothers also need to look at the little kid, so do not be forced. Create a fun atmosphere at the time of fasting.
  • Teach your child about why we are fasting as well as the purpose and benefits of fasting. Because the best way to teach children to fast is not to govern but to inspire.
  • Introduce your child to ramadhan activities such as meal together, go together, pray tarawih. Mother was able to begin to introduce what it Ramdhan and its activities early as possible before the child begins to learn fasting.
  • Give examples of your child. As we know our "children are the most accomplished impersonator" so the most effective way to teach is that we as parents and our closest environment to fasting.
  • Do it step by step. Should not teach fasting from dawn until sunset. But mothers can do it step by step. for an example, your child began to be taught by invited dawn fasting and fitting in school (hours 7:10 to 10:00) fasting (no food & drink) and when the school should open. Once the child is able, the mother can extend the time until finally sunset fasting.
  • Encourage your child to always prepare a meal and a nutritious menu. Meal time is very important to prepare your body to be fasting.
  • Note the pattern of play the child, sometimes our little kids forgotten that they are fasting so playing as usual and spending a lot of sweat, causing lack of fluids.
  • Set your baby sleep schedule. Sometimes your child participate terawih until evening, that is beyond his sleep schedule. Mother could change the time of nighttime sleep that decreases with a longer nap.
  • Create a fun atmosphere at the time of fasting. Mother could be done by whom your child choose a menu that she liked at the time of breaking and dawn.
  • Give your child the motivation and morale. Fasting sometimes a lot of temptation and fasting is not just hunger or thirst, but also exercise patience.
  • Give rewards to the child when it succeeded in doing. Reward / prize Hattush not given in the form of goods, but can also be done with praise. Gifts (in cash or goods) may be given, but keep in mind not to return the child to be the purpose of fasting. So instead of just wanting anything in return or the child. Explain why the mothers do reward those with fasting being undertaken.
What should be emphasized at the time of fasting to teach children, mothers should not impose, but to do with fun and let me know the meaning of fasting, so the child knows why fasting is for God.
If your child is starting to learn fasting, make this fasting as a culture and it would be nice if in the school environment also has an activities
Well .. Moms ... ready to invite your child to fasting ..? Good luck Moms ... ^ _ ^ 

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Educational Toys for Toddlers

Toddlers are active and enjoy climbing, running, and jumping. They need toys to meet these needs. They also are interested in doing things with their hands as the small muscles in their fingers become more developed. However, toys for this age group should be simple and require little coordination. During this period, toddlers become interested in playing with others and in imitating grown-up activities. Toys like dress-up clothes are great for this!

As a caregiver, be careful about imposing sex stereotypes on toddlers' toy choices. Boys will sometimes show interest in dolls or want to be "the mommy." Girls may want trucks or to be "Superman." That is okay. This exploration is normal and necessary for them to learn about the world.

Toddlers also are interested in sensory materials such as paint, play dough, crayons, and chalk. They usually are not interested in drawing or painting a specific object. They like to scribble and mix colors. When talking to young children about their creations, it is better to say "Tell me about your picture," rather than "What is it?"

toddler toys
Toddler's still put toys in their mouths, so you will need to watch for objects with small parts. Also, watch out for items, such as paint and chalk, as toddlers think it is great fun to eat these! Toys should be sturdy and should not have sharp edges or points. Toddlers enjoy balloons, but caregivers should be careful to keep uninflated or broken balloons out of reach. A child could suffocate if these are swallowed.

Appropriate Toddler Toys
- push-pull toys
- pedal toys
- truck/cars big enough to ride
- wagons
- balls and bean bags
- balloons (with close supervision)
- swings
- climbing structures
- books with simple stories
- blocks
- peg boards
- puzzles creative materials (crayons, playdough, paint)
- water play toys
- simple dress-up clothes
- dolls and stuffed animals
- boxes

How you can help
1. Play pretend games with children. For example, create a traffic jam with the toy cars they use. Make believe you are animals like kittens, dogs, or horses.
2. Play tag, bounce, or catch with balls or bean bags.
3. Play follow-the-leader or design a toddler-size obstacle course.
4. Let children imitate your activities such as sweeping the floor.

source : www.creativityinstitute.com
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